The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resolver version 1.1.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version Maven Artifact Resolver 1.1.0
** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-13] - Exceptions are suppressed incorrectly when closing resources fails * [MRESOLVER-19] - DefaultRepositorySystem resolveDependencies() can yield a NullPointerException

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-4] - Use java.util.Objects#requireNonNull to intercept null input * [MRESOLVER-6] - Use java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets wherever possible * [MRESOLVER-11] - Project dependency collection result should contain repositories. * [MRESOLVER-14] - Statistics should be calculated using System.nanoTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis() * [MRESOLVER-18] - DefaultDependencyCollector does not provide pre-managed state for exclusions and properties.
    * [MRESOLVER-23] - Avoid implicit primitive type casts
* [MRESOLVER-24] - Turn some IllegalArgumentExceptions into IllegalStateExceptions * [MRESOLVER-26] - add Automatic-Module-Name entry to MANIFEST.MF for Java 9 automatic module names

** New Feature
    * [MRESOLVER-2] - Add repository id to TransferResource

** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-3] - Update dependencies
    * [MRESOLVER-5] - Update minimum Java version to 1.7
    * [MRESOLVER-16] - Site should contain links to the license
    * [MRESOLVER-22] - Upgrade to Maven Parent 30


-The Apache Maven team

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