­The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Clean 
Plugin Version 3.2.0

The Clean Plugin is used when you want to remove files generated at build-time 
in a project's directory.

 * Starting from this release you need JDK8 as minimum.
 * Minimum Maven Version 3.2.5


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:


Release Notes Maven Clean Plugin 3.2.0


Release Notes - Maven Clean Plugin - Version 3.2.0

* New Feature

  * [MCLEAN-95] - Provide a fast deletion option

* Improvements:

  * [MCLEAN-89] - Add GitHub Information
  * [MCLEAN-90] - Custom search broken on pages rendered using Fluido Skin 1.7
  * [MCLEAN-91] - Upgrade maven-plugins to 34
  * [MCLEAN-98] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 35

* Tasks:

  * [MCLEAN-94] - Update plugin dependencies
  * [MCLEAN-97] - Require Java 8

* Dependency upgrades:

  * [MCLEAN-87] - Upgrade maven-plugins parent to version 32
  * [MCLEAN-92] - Require Maven 3.1.1 (drop dependency to Maven 3.0)
  * [MCLEAN-96] - Require Maven 3.2.5+

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