The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resolver version 1.8.0.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.8.0

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-241] - Resolver checksum calculation should be driven by layout * [MRESOLVER-242] - When no remote checksums provided by layout, transfer inevitably fails/warns * [MRESOLVER-250] - Usage of descriptors map in DataPool prevents gargabe collection

** New Feature
* [MRESOLVER-236] - Make it possible to resolve .asc on a 'fail' <checksumPolicy/> respository.

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-240] - Using breadth-first approach to resolve Maven dependencies * [MRESOLVER-247] - Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution by a Skip solution based on BFS
    * [MRESOLVER-248] - Make DF and BF collector implementations coexist

** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-230] - Make supported checksum algorithms extensible
    * [MRESOLVER-231] - Extend "smart checksum" feature
    * [MRESOLVER-234] - Introduce "provided" checksums feature
    * [MRESOLVER-237] - Make all checksum mismatches handled same
    * [MRESOLVER-239] - Update and sanitize dependencies
    * [MRESOLVER-244] - Deprecate FileTransformer API
    * [MRESOLVER-245] - Isolate Hazelcast tests

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRESOLVER-249] - Update Hazelcast to 5.1.1 in named-locks-hazelcast module


-The Apache Maven team

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