The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Fluido Skin, version 1.11.0.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.11.0

** Bug
    * [MSKINS-169] - Image height not effective
* [MSKINS-172] - Non-deliberate margin between navigation and rest in side bar
    * [MSKINS-173] - Google site search box too wide in sidebar
    * [MSKINS-186] - Velocity warns about usage of null values

** Improvement
    * [MSKINS-174] - Render breadcrumbs div conditionally
    * [MSKINS-177] - Support Matomo (e.g. Apache Analytics) as macro
    * [MSKINS-184] - Don't link pages to themselves with empty hrefs
    * [MSKINS-185] - Don't fall back anymore if bannerLeft ist not provided

** Task
    * [MSKINS-180] - Raise Doxia Sitetools prerequisite to 1.11.1
    * [MSKINS-181] - Replace deprecated Velocity context parameters
    * [MSKINS-183] - Drop not working ohloh (now

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MSKINS-178] - Upgrade Parent to 36
    * [MSKINS-179] - Upgrade plugins ITs


-The Apache Maven team

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