The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resolver version 1.8.1.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.8.1

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-256] - Dependency tree is different between DF and BF strategies when a dependency package has no indirect dependencies

** New Feature
    * [MRESOLVER-253] - Dynamic prefixes for LRM

** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-252] - Make LRM path composition reusable
    * [MRESOLVER-257] - Make DF and BF UTs share as much tests as possible
    * [MRESOLVER-258] - Collapse DF and BF collectors
* [MRESOLVER-262] - Provide contextual data in trace data for collector invoked requests

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MRESOLVER-254] - Update parent POM to 36
    * [MRESOLVER-255] - Update Jetty to 9.4.46 (test dependency)


-The Apache Maven team

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