The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M2.

Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version maven-reporting-impl-4.0.0-M2

** New Feature
* [MSHARED-390] - Add startSection method AbstractMavenReportRenderer where anchor != name

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1099] - Render with a skin when report is run in standalone mode

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MSHARED-1093] - Upgrade Maven Parent to 36
    * [MSHARED-1094] - Upgrade to Doxia/Doxia Sitetools to 2.0.0-M3
    * [MSHARED-1095] - Upgrade plugins and components in ITs
    * [MSHARED-1096] - Upgrade Maven Reporting API to 4.0.0-M2
    * [MSHARED-1097] - Update dependencies


-The Apache Maven team

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