The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven SCM, version 2.0.0-M2.

Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 2.0.0-M2

** Bug
* [SCM-807] - JGit impl check-in fails unless the Maven project is in the working copy root * [SCM-913] - NPE on ChangeSet.toString() when no mergedRevisions are set
    * [SCM-945] - Support OpenSSH private keys with maven-scm-provider-jgit
* [SCM-976] - GitExe changelog does not work in if the user has defined a custom format * [SCM-981] - Several integration tests are never run and fail if you do
    * [SCM-986] - SvnExe's SvnRemoteInfoCommand incorrectly implemented
    * [SCM-991] - GitDiffConsumer cannot parse moved files

** New Feature
    * [SCM-977] - Support for retrieving tags from the changelog

** Improvement
* [SCM-925] - Implement RemoveCommand in maven-scm-provider-jgit with TCK test for all providers
    * [SCM-942] - No run-its, tck-local and tck-hg profiles
    * [SCM-943] - scm:check-local-modification does not support excludes
* [SCM-992] - Support explicitly configured SSH private key for gitexe provider * [SCM-993] - Add tests for SSH private key-based authentication during checkout (clone) * [SCM-994] - Add JGit CredentialsProvider based on Plexus Interactivity API
    * [SCM-999] - Document provider IDs

** Test
    * [SCM-989] - Tests fail if svn and/or git are not installed

** Task
    * [SCM-979] - Replace Plexus Container Default with Sisu Plexus Shim
    * [SCM-980] - Remove code duplication in ListMojo
    * [SCM-983] - Drop SCM Logger in favor of SLF4J
    * [SCM-984] - Replace use of JUnit 3 PlexusTestCase with Junit 4
    * [SCM-985] - Drop/replace usage of Commons Lang 2
* [SCM-995] - Upgrade JGit to 5.13.1 and leverage Apache Mina SSHD instead of JSch

** Dependency upgrade
    * [SCM-978] - Upgrade Maven prerequisite to 3.2.5
    * [SCM-982] - Upgrade to Java 8


-The Apache Maven team

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