The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-7.

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based
on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a
project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of

Maven 4.0.0-alpha-7 is available via

This in alpha release, not suitable for production. If you hit any problem,
please raise a JIRA issue or send an email to the mailing list.

For more information read

Release Notes - Maven - Version 4.0.0-alpha-7

** Bug
    * [MNG-6112] - Align artifacts and plugins policies using the default
    * [MNG-7228] - MavenProject.getOriginalModel returns interpolated parts
    * [MNG-7338] - Automatically activate batch-mode and make output quiet
when running in CI
    * [MNG-7444] - Multiple optional non-existing projects not logged
    * [MNG-7604] - Removal of pom.* interpolation makes some older plugins
    * [MNG-7632] - Regression: combine.children breaks when combining
    * [MNG-7707] - ${project.basedir} directory creation when running plugin
    * [MNG-7714] - sp < final
    * [MNG-7738] - Remove printStackTrace
    * [MNG-7745] - NPE when .mvn doesn't exist
    * [MNG-7750] - Interpolated properties in originalModel in an active
    * [MNG-7756] - The degree of concurrency does not support "2." as a
    * [MNG-7780] - DefaultArtifact.equals throws NullPointerException if
o.version is null
    * [MNG-7783] - Profile source point to file instead of to module
    * [MNG-7784] - Incompatible API SuperPomProvider#getSuperModel
    * [MNG-7786] - Maven Plugin Validation message is misleading
    * [MNG-7795] - IllegalArgumentException: 'other' has different root
during plugin validation
    * [MNG-7796] - Top directory cannot be computed
    * [MNG-7799] - Plugin validation falsely reports there are issues (but
shows none)
    * [MNG-7811] - Plugins verification - reports are inconsistent
    * [MNG-7819] - Create IT that exercise file locking with snapshots

** New Feature
    * [MNG-5659] - Project specific settings.xml
    * [MNG-6303] - Interpolate user supplied properties and command line
    * [MNG-7059] - Add profile-free repository support in Maven Settings
    * [MNG-7814] - Use location tracking for settings

** Improvement
    * [MNG-4645] - Move Central repo definition out of Maven's jars so it
can be more easily changed
    * [MNG-5600] - Dependency management import should support exclusions.
    * [MNG-6825] - Cleaning Up dependencies
    * [MNG-7038] - Introduce public properties to point to the root and top
directories of (multi-module) project
    * [MNG-7548] - Kill off "legacy" repository metadata support
    * [MNG-7587] - Update Sisu to a version supporting at least Java 17
    * [MNG-7698] - Allow comments in .mvn/maven.config
    * [MNG-7740] - Target directory is flooded with consumer*pom files
    * [MNG-7741] - Add more information when using
    * [MNG-7751] - Ability to inject XmlNode into v4 plugins
    * [MNG-7754] - Improvement and extension of plugin validation
    * [MNG-7763] - Provide UTF-8 as a default value for and project.reporting.outputEncoding
    * [MNG-7764] - Small code improvements
    * [MNG-7765] - Minimum Build Requirement is wrong
    * [MNG-7766] - Migrate to use mockito-bom 4.11.0
    * [MNG-7767] - Tone down plugin validation report
    * [MNG-7776] - don't fingerprint Sigstore signatures (like GPG)
    * [MNG-7778] - Maven should print suppressed exceptions when a mojo
    * [MNG-7785] - Clean usage of SessionData
    * [MNG-7787] - Introduce new options for plugin validation
    * [MNG-7788] - Plugin Validation Report should be printed before build
    * [MNG-7789] - Plugin Dependency Validations use wrong data set
    * [MNG-7805] - The modelVersion should be inferred from the namespace
    * [MNG-7806] - Plugins verification - remove used in module(s) report
    * [MNG-7809] - Make maven-compat optional
    * [MNG-7823] - Make plugin validation level parsing more consistent

** Task
    * [MNG-5987] - Document the algorithm calculating the order of plugin
executions inside a phase.
    * [MNG-7585] - Get rid of duplicate utility classes
    * [MNG-7639] - Prepare a unit test for
    * [MNG-7655] - Get rid of org.apache.maven:plexus-utils
    * [MNG-7743] - Make the build work on JDK 20
    * [MNG-7749] - Upgrade animal-sniffer from 1.21 to 1.23
    * [MNG-7790] - Update lifecycle plugins
    * [MNG-7791] - Split validation issues into "user actionable" and
"plugin dev actionable"
    * [MNG-7794] - Deprecate org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem
    * [MNG-7797] - Return BRIEF mode, simply map it onto SUMMARY

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MNG-7753] - Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.9.8
    * [MNG-7769] - Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.9.10
    * [MNG-7800] - Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.9.13
    * [MNG-7812] - Get rid of maven-shared-utils dependency
    * [MNG-7816] - Bump maven parent from 39 to 40
    * [MNG-7824] - Bump plexus-xml from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1

Enjoy !
Guillaume Nodet

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