
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-2.

This is a *PREVIEW* release of upcoming Maven Resolver 2.0.0 meant for
users of Resolver to pick it up and adapt code if needed. Migration from
Resolver 1.x in short: move off anything that is deprecated in Resolver 1.x
(use latest 1.9.16 as "baseline" to check for deprecations).

Session handling related changes are documented here:

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 2.0.0-alpha-2

** Improvement
    * [MRESOLVER-302] - Introduce onSession close
    * [MRESOLVER-384] - Support HTTP/2 in maven-resolver-transport-http
** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-308] - HTTP transport showdown
    * [MRESOLVER-422] - Fix javadoc report
    * [MRESOLVER-423] - Remove the 3.x banner from Resolver site
    * [MRESOLVER-424] - Make DependencyGraphDumper extensible
    * [MRESOLVER-426] - Move some HTTP configuration properties from
    * [MRESOLVER-427] - Expose configuration for inhibiting Expect-Continue
    * [MRESOLVER-430] - Make build time requirement for Java 21
    * [MRESOLVER-431] - Make chained repository and transport listeners
    * [MRESOLVER-432] - Introduce session provider as well
    * [MRESOLVER-435] - Refresh download page

Have fun,
Maven Team

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