The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Compiler Plugin, version 3.12.0

The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Compiler Plugin - Version 3.12.0

** Bug
    * [MCOMPILER-333] - Incremental compilation causes "mvn clean compile
compile" to fail
    * [MCOMPILER-391] - annotationProcessorPaths have to follow
dependencyManagement rules
    * [MCOMPILER-544] - ZipException: zip END header not found on POM
dependency with Eclipse compiler
    * [MCOMPILER-547] - NPE when --patch-module is used in non-module

** New Feature
    * [MCOMPILER-562] - Add property maven.compiler.outputDirectory to

** Improvement
    * [MCOMPILER-381] - Refactoring needed for isDependencyChanged / Using
fileExtensions (AbstractCompilerMojo)
    * [MCOMPILER-534] - Document conditional setting of the --release
    * [MCOMPILER-542] - clean JDK patch version in module-info.class
    * [MCOMPILER-549] - improve recompilation cause display
    * [MCOMPILER-550] - Make 'outputDirectory' writable
    * [MCOMPILER-558] - compileSourceRoots in testCompile should be writable
    * [MCOMPILER-559] - Warn if overriding the project's artifact's file

** Task
    * [MCOMPILER-531] - Prepare for Java 20
    * [MCOMPILER-552] - Refresh download page
    * [MCOMPILER-565] - Allow project build by Maven 4

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MCOMPILER-528] - Upgrade maven-plugin-tools to 3.9.0
    * [MCOMPILER-530] - Update plexus-utils to 3.0.24 in integration tests
    * [MCOMPILER-541] - maven-shared-utils to 3.4.2
    * [MCOMPILER-551] - Upgrade Parent to 40
    * [MCOMPILER-554] - Update plexus-java to 1.2.0
    * [MCOMPILER-557] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 41
    * [MCOMPILER-564] - Update plexus-compiler to 2.14.1


-The Apache Maven team

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