I am trying to use Ant with VAJ, my goal is to be able to recreate the
workspace for a specific version of a product.
We are not using the repository of VAJ but PVCS.
For each version we have a jar files with all the sources and classes, my
idea was to create a ant build file that unzip the jar file and import all
the sources to VAJ. 
I am doing some tests, with a little project, and it seems that if i have
already the project in VAJ and export and older version of it (for example)
that have less files than the one that is currently in VAJ, these files
remains in VAJ.
Normally this is the behaivour of the task , so i would like to know if
there are any task to delete a project in VAJ??
Or does someone any other idea to achieve this?
Any idea would be apreciated!!
Thanks in advanced!!

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