Check your sources... VAJ does manage resources as well in the 3.5.x+ versions.
 You have to play a few games if you want the fine grained info though, it just
wasn't meant for this.  Is there some particular reason you want VAJ to manage
resources at that level?  It doesn't seem to fit the paradigm. :)

Integrating VAJ with CVS is possible, VAJ with ANT is possible, both seem to be
a little tricky.  I would suggest thinking a little harder about what you are
trying to accomplish.  It sounds like you want to use VAJ to develop (and it is
a great IDE:), CVS to do all of the SCM for you, and ANT to be your build
facility.  Right?

This is what we did at my previous job.  I tried the integration efforts of CVS
and ANT, but neither went well.  So, I ended up writing my own tool inside the
environment that would export the Java sources for me into the correct CVS
modules on my file system.  I then used Ant to automate the build, checkin to
CVS, and tagging in CVS.

Hope that helps.  If you need more info about VAJ Tools API, let's take it off
line.  There are several links to newsgroups and web pages that I can give you,
as well answer any questions you have with the Tools API.

--- Lenharcik Juraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about a release management prozess with CVS, Ant and VAJ.
> The problem is, that VAJ cannot handle versioned ressources like jsp, xml,
> confs, .... VAJ can only handle classes. The solution would be a CVS System
> and the Connector betweet the CVS and VAJ would be ANT.
> It is possible to checkout the files from the CVS to the working directory
> of VAJ for the possibility to debug JSP`s. In the CVS is a folder structure
> which is more structured like on the server. That means while the Ant
> prozess, would be a webapp structure produced. The problem is, when changes
> were done in the VAJ. How can i put the changed files to my checkout folder
> for the later checkin to the CVS?
> Has anyone a running system where VAJ only for the development is used and
> as repository the CVS?
> thanks
> juraj
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