On Wed, 05 Dec 2001, Franck Routier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> in fact Xmlc task depends on two jars :
> xmlc.jar (the compiler itself)
> log4j.jar (for logging)
> If I don't put those jars in ANT_HOME/lib, how do I tell my xmlc
> task where to find it ?

Use a nested classpath element for your taskdef, something like

<taskdef name="Xmlc" classname="...">
    <pathelement location="/opt/log4j/log4j.jar" />
    <pathelement location="/opt/xmlc/xmlc.jar" />
    <pathelement location="/opt/xmlc/xmlc-ant-task.jar" />

I forgot the real name of that jar, but you'll get the idea.

> Another point is I noticed that after every + Target, there is one
> or several +Task.

Don't worry about that.


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