----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 11:40 PM
Subject: OutOfMemoryError with Ant 1.4.1 and Tomcat 3.2.1

> Hi,
> I just recently upgraded from Ant 1.3 to Ant 1.4.1. I am now consistently
> getting OutOfMemoryError exceptions when building a large java project
> <javac> on Unix machines through Ant 1.4.1 and Tomcat 3.2.1. I am using
> Tomcat for our Servlet-based build application, which allows users to kick
> off builds on various machines through HTTP requests. I do not encounter
> out of memory error when invoking Ant and building the projects from the
> command line. I also do not encounter the out of memory error when
> through Ant 1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1.

> <javac srcdir="${SharedSourceDir}" destdir="${SharedDeployDir}"
> debug="${debug}" memoryMaximumSize="512m">
>   <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
>   <exclude name="Web/**/*.*"/>
>   <exclude name="ejbcgen/**/*.*"/>
> </javac>
> Please note that I'm not using fork="yes" in the <javac> task because I
> thought it was no longer required in Ant 1.4.1. Please correct me if I'm
> wrong in interpreting this fix in the WHAT'S NEW documentation.

you probably need to set the fork variable, as otherwise a new JVM wont get
created for javac with extra memory.

Also, try jikes as a compiler.

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