How are u launching this .. from the command line ? .. or from any other
'ce i too use a unix telnet process  from windows which takes a pretty long
time to finish.
But i dont find any problems from the process which forks the unix telnet.
there could be some other process which grows with ur telnet launch.


> Hi
> I am using <telnet> task to logon to an unix box and runs a makefile from
> there. The time for the script to finish is more than 2 hours, however
> during the 2 hours my local pc becomes extremely slow, CPU reaches 100%
> 99% is taken by java.exe. Can anyone tell me if this is expected or is
> anything wrong with my build script?
> <telnet userid="xxx" password="xxx" server="diamond">
>     <read>bash-2.02$</read>
>                 <write string="mkopt"/>
>                 <read>bash-2.02$</read>
> </telnet>
> Regards,
> Jasmin

I havent encountered this problem, but my telnets are pretty short, no more
than a minute or two.

I might be better to start the make, ("nohup mkopt&") and then <sleep> for a
while, or try and think of some other synchronisation mechanism. [which
means nothing springs to mind]

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