Trying to get a feel for best practices here.

Where do you store your deployment descriptors for a project at?  Why do you store 
where you do?

BACKGROUND: we currently store our deployment descriptors in the directory structure 
"d:\dev\deploy\PROJECT_NAME\META-INF", which is separate from source code at 
"d:\dev\src\PROJECT_NAME".  This doesn't mesh well with ant, since there really isn't 
project base folder.  

I'm trying to decide if I want the deployment descriptors under the new directory 
structure to be 
at "d:\dev\PROJECT_NAME\src\META-INF" or "d:\dev\PROJECT_NAME\deploy\META-
INF".  We currently use our deploy folder in a manner similair to a dist folder - the 
final products 
(JARs, WARs) end up in there.  My guess is the deployment descriptors would be better 
off in 
the src directory, but I wanted to get a feel for what others do.


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