When I try to use the Junit task (with ant 1.4.1, Junit 3.7 and
jdk1.2.2) I get the following error:

Could not create task of type: junit. Common solutions are to use
taskdef to declare your task, or, if this is an optional task, to put
the optional.jar in the lib directory of your ant installation

Well, optional.jar is in the ANT_HOME/lib dir (as is
jakarta-ant-1.4.1-optional.jar.) Actually, optional.jar is just a copy
of jakarta-ant-1.4.1-optional.jar.

So, what am I doing wrong?

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (http://www.bpgc.com)
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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