Hi Marcus,
Firstly, I dont mind being emailed directly but can you try to keep your
questions to ant user - that way anyone can answer (usually quicker) and
everyone benefits from the solution? Thanks.
Have you built ant from source or downloaded a binary? If you have
downloaded the binary release, have you also downloaded optional.jar ? Have
you placed optional.jar in ants lib directory? 
By the way, you dont need the taskdefs for any of the P4 commands now as
they are automatically included.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Zafarano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 December 2001 19:10
Subject: p4 commands in ant

i guess i don't understand the taskdef in the example on apache.
where in the code do i paste the taskdef lines and
org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.perforce.P4Sync cannot be found
should i load some classes from to?

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