> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Wait, wait ;-)
> Now, if that's not what you want to do, and want to delete only those
> *.??.html files that have an equivalent *.m4 files, check out the
> <present>
> selector, not the <depend> one you used.
I would like to go even one step further and delete the *.??.html files only
if the *.m4 is present AND more recent than the corresponding *.??.html.
Unfortunately, I don't see how the
could help me there.
> It it's neither of what you want, please explain clearly in English which
> files are to be removed, where, and especially why. Thanks, --DD
Sorry, the line saying that I wanted to use this "exec" later as an "apply
exec..." unfortunately got dropped in the replies to my original post

Many thanks for any suggestions in advance!

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