> I've never used VSS, so I'll take your word for it.  I hear 
> it's a crummy
> SCM tool.  Why do people use it?  Believe me, I wonder how the hell
> StarTeam, which sucks compared to Perforce or even CVS IMNSHO, got
> entrenched at where I work.  Happened before my time.

That's exactly why people use VSS, I believe. Moving SCM is a big thing to do, I guess.
> > The .NET tasks aren't necessarily interactive, or controlling
> > GUIs or anything else.
> This has puzzled me for a while, so I might as well ask -- 
> why if you are developing for .NET, which isn't cross-platform, 
> would you use a Java tool
> to do your builds?  Does .NET really not provide a quality 
> set of build and automation tools?  Or are they too expensive to buy?  
> I don't get this one at all, but there must be a reason if .NET tasks 
> made it into the optional task set.

In fact, there's a .NET Ant project (Nant) but the reason is somewhat simpler than 
that, I believe: not all projects which involve .NET *only* involve .NET. We write 
stuff which is mostly cross-platform Java, but with also a Windows component and in 
the future a Compact Framework .NET component - having a single build procedure is a 
great help.

> > If you could give better alternatives for all of the tasks which
> > you think Ant is no good at, it would make your case a lot stronger.
> I thought I did -- grep, sed and sh are three ubiquitous 
> tools that do stuff Ant's not good at (piping, stream editing, return codes,
> looping, no compilation or packaging necessary).

I don't see how those are alternatives for .NET and VSS tasks though. They may help 
with telnet, but I can't see that they'd end up being significantly better to use than 
the existing telnet task which *doesn't* require installation of Cygwin.


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