
I want to do a few things if my backup dir content is older than my source
dir content.

I am trying to use the uptodate task, with no success, like this:

    <target name="check" depends="init">
       <uptodate property="srcs.changed">
           <srcfiles dir="${basedir}" />
           <mapper type="glob" from="${src}\*.java" to="${bkp}\*.java" />

    <target name="javadoc" depends="check" if="srcs.changed">
        <delete dir="${doc}" />
        <javadoc sourcepath="${src}" destdir="${doc}"
packagenames="com.company.*" />

I thought that maybe my concept of from and to attributes in the uptodate
task was wrong, but nothing happened when I exchanged their values.

I have several tasks that depend on the srcs.changed property being
correctly set.

All the properties above are properly defined and refer to directories below

What am I missing???

Michael Nascimento Santos
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Moderador SouJava - www.soujava.org.br

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