----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Raible" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 23:16
Subject: Ant's jspc task - doesn't work on Tomcat 4.1.18

> I'm trying to use Ant's JSPC task to pre-compile my JSPs. I've used Erik
> Hatcher's example from Java Development with Ant. It works great when
> using a 4.0.x version of Tomcat, and the following jasper.classpath:
> <path id="jasper.classpath">
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/lib">
>         <include name="jasper-*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
>         <include name="servlet.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
> </path>
> However, it doesn't work on Tomcat 4.1.17. I had to change the
> jasper.classpath to find the appropriate jars (they're in different
> directories now), plus I had to include ant.jar or I got
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/AntClassLoader.
> Where everything works on the older Tomcat version, now it fails - what
> gives?

1. blame me for this example, not erik :)

2. blame me for committing the jspc task to ant cvs too. If I'd known how
brittle it was going to be, I never would have.

3.  I havent looked at tomcat 4.18 yet. Features and stability of jasper are
always an ongoing issue. Personally I'd like the jasper team to do the back
end of the ant task, so they can keep it in sync.

Your problem implies they are using ant itself for javac compilation, though
I'll have to go into the jasper source to see. One of those 'somebody needs
to sit down and spend an evening looking at jasper' problems.


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