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Cough up your breakfast television

There's a regular feature on CITY-TV's "Breakfast Television" in Toronto,
where a guy comes out in his bathrobe, armed with a mug of coffee and a
highlight pencil, and gives commentary on some of the stories from the
morning's newspapers which have caught his eye.  His picks this morning were
supposed to show that the world was falling apart.  Exhibit A? The horrible
violence against whites in Zimbabwe, which we all agree surely heralds the

But in the course of deploring these developments, he actually SAID that the
country had enjoyed good race relations before Mugabe starting stirring
things up.  The 15-year war of terror by the white minority Ian Smith régime
against Zimbabwe's black majority, which claimed more than 40,000 black
Zimbabwean lives, preceded by decades of institutional racism and a
colour-based land tenure system still in place that would make antebellum
Mississippi look socialist - all this was airbrushed out of history,
banished down the same memory hole which contains the factual débris of what
happened in Yugoslavia between 1941 and 1945.

There's at least a certain consistency here.  This same station was running
South African government tourism ads during the minority rule era in South
Africa.  And the station's owner, Moses Znaimer, who also owns MuchMusic,
(cross Randolph Hearst with Jann Wenner and you get the idea) decreed that
MM was not to play "Public Enemy" songs because of the group's
"anti-semitism."  You gotta lay down the line sometime, you see.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:12 AM
Subject: US Bill On Restrictions On Zimbabweans Is Racist

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"America is basically a racist country. Its history is
a history of racism, slavery and colonialism. Our
former slave masters can never be our liberators."
"We want to see democracy in Harlem because charity
begins at home."

'US bill on restrictions on Zimbabweans is racist'

HARARE: A US Senate bill which could usher in visa
restrictions against people responsible for violence
in Zimbabwe is racist, Zimbabwean Information Minister
Johnathan Moyo said in an interview Sunday with a
pro-government newspaper.

"The bill is a racist bill because it's targeting
African people whose crime is to seek the restoration
of their fundamental rights," Moyo said in The Sunday

"America is basically a racist country. Its history is
a history of racism, slavery and colonialism. Our
former slave masters can never be our liberators,"
Moyo said.

The bill, which passed late Wednesday, asks the
administration of President George W. Bush to consult
with other nations on ways to implement visa
restrictions and other targeted sanctions against
those responsible for political violence in Zimbabwe.

Known as the "Zimbabwe Democracy and Recovery Act",
the bill would also double funding for democracy
programs in the southern African nation and urges US
support of observers for upcoming parliamentary and
2002 presidential elections.

Zimbabwe is embroiled in a bitter land row over
government attempts to seize land from white farmers
without compensation in a bid to correct colonial-era

The land reforms have been accompanied by violent
invasions of white farms by militant veterans of
Zimbabwe's 1970s liberation war, who have also been
tied to political violence that has left some 35
people dead during the last year.

Moyo said the United States should promote democracy
at home instead of meddling in Zimbabwe affairs.

"We want to see democracy in Harlem because charity
begins at home.

"The people don't understand how a country that does
not want to apologise for slavery in Africa, a country
that does not want to compensate Africa for
colonialism ... can poke its nose on the affairs of
Zimbabwe. I can't see a normal president signing such
a racist bill," he said.

( AFP )

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