Title: Re: email address & phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
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Well, not quite - but I AM suggesting that Serbs learn to fight dirty.
No - the last thing the Serbs, pro-Serbs (PLUS Macedonians and others
persecuted by Albanians) should do is actually "jump ONTO the global
anti-muslim lynch mob" themselves... BUT, what we/they definitely should
do (since the American-led anti-Muslim lynch mob already exists) is do
the non-Albanian causes some good, for a change...! By making sure
that this US lynch-mob is left in no doubt as to the direct
ethnic connection between Muslim KLA/NLA terrorists in Kosovo
and Macedonia and their Muslim terrorist brothers-in-arms all
over the world. Don't worry - the American-led lynch-mob itself
can do the rest...

So, what I AM advocating is... that we just make sure that that the word
"Muslim" is ALWAYS clearly juxtaposed with the word "Albanian" - and
with abbreviations KLA or NLA - wherever and whenever we possibly can...
Ergo: if we find ourselves mentioning Albanian terrorists - KLA or NLA -
ALWAYS make sure that the word "Muslim" is also prominently included too...

Too many ignorant Americans - (the ones in the lynch mob) - fail to make
that connection... It's up to us all to make very, very sure that they do!

That's all.


>Subject: Re: email address & phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2001, 8:25 pm

Dear ppdscat,

I may be misinterpreting you (I hope I am), but aren't you suggesting that
the Serbs and other Slavs should jump on the global anti-Muslim lynch mob in
order to forward their own narrow territorial interests?  Personally I find
such a view revolting and would be very suprised if you were indeed
advocating it.  As a Serb and a victim of an attrocious ten year concerted
propaganda campaign to demonize my people I will NEVER, repeat NEVER, engage
in the demonization of another people.  The only way for the Serbs to
emancipate themselves at this critical historical moment is to join the
global people's struggle against racism and war, support the defence of
patriots and progressives around the world - or to use a word that
encapsulates both concepts, fight the new milenarian IMPERIALISM of NATO (aka
The Old Colonial Club).  If the Serbian leadership instead chooses to lach
onto the current imperialist lynch mob of the global elites it will only
deepen and reinforce the process leading to the destruction and subjugation
of Slavic and other people's across the globe.  It is time for Serbs
everywhere to speak out against the current racist backlash, condemn American
nationalism, and STOP NATO!



In a message dated 17/09/01 12:49:03 Eastern Daylight Time,

> "Ridiculous" - that's true...
>  But there's something BIG in here for pro-Serbs - and
>  Macedonians too, come to that!... Both could do their
>  respective causes some presentational good by fastening
>  onto it like a steel trap and never letting go...


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