
ANALYSIS: Milosevic Prosecution Claims Court Unfair 

The prosecution is to appeal against a trial chamber decision to
conclude its case within a year. 

By Mirko Klarin in The Hague (TU No. 262, April 15-20, 2002)

Is the prosecution going to have a fair hearing in the Milosevic trial?
The question has been raised by the tolerance judges showed towards the
defendant's aggressive defence style and the strict restrictions they
imposed on the presentation of the prosecutor's case. (See Tribunal
Update No. 255)

Now, after two and a half months, the prosecution has publicly accused
the trial chamber of "unfairly curtailing" its right to a fair trial. It
was prompted by the trial chamber's insistence on April 10, 2001 that it
conclude its case within a year (See Tribunal Update No. 261). 

Declaring that such a drastic time limit would "emasculate" its case,
the prosecution last week submitted an application for leave to file an
appeal, which contains unusually strong criticism of the trial chamber

The prosecution has been caught between a rock and a hard place from the
start. On the one hand, it has had to ward off the accused, whose
aggressive denial of all counts of the indictment and the testimonies of
eyewitnesses and experts has forced it to present more evidence than it
originally planned.

At the same time, the prosecution has had to confront impatient and
worried judges. Fearful that the trial will last forever and become
"unmanageable" both for them and the accused, they keep demanding that
the prosecution "simplifies" its case, which means "downsizing" its
evidence and shortening the time for its presentation. 

The prosecution's appeal is based on two fundamental arguments. The
first is that setting a strict time limit for the presentation of
evidence in such a complex case as this, involving three indictments and
a total of 66 counts, imposes "irremediable prejudice" on the

The latter has calculated that a 12-month deadline means they have about
193 court days to go. Judging by events thus far, the defendant will
consume half of these with extensive cross-examinations while the three
amici curiae (friends of the court) will use another 5 per cent for
examination. So the prosecution has "less than 100 'exclusive' court
days left to present a case effectively and thoroughly". 

The appeal application warns that if the prosecution is forced to
present its case in an "unreasonable" time frame, "the only possible
consequence is that the quality" of its case will suffer, which, in
turn, will have a bearing on the trial chamber's final decision. 

The prosecution says a fundamental reason for opposing a strict time
limit on completion of its evidence is that the issues in the case are
still not clearly identified. It says, for instance, it cannot foresee
the defendant's reaction to crime-based evidence on the Bosnian and
Croatian components of the prosecution case. 

In its favour, the prosecution can refer back to the appeals chamber
decision last year in the Stanislav Galic case, which urged the trial
chamber to consider "whether the issues really in dispute have been
clearly identified so that proper assessment of the time needed for the
prosecution case can be made". 

The second argument for an appeal is what the application defines as
"infringement of the prosecution's statutory rights" under the tribunal
statute. The prosecution says the tribunal rules do not empower the
trial chambers to deny it the right to present its case in the manner it
deems fit.

Three appeal judges, Claude Jorda, David Hunt and Fausto Pocar, will
assess the application. In January, they ruled in favour of a
prosecution appeal against a trial chamber decision to try Milosevic
twice, first for Kosovo, and then jointly for Croatia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina (See Tribunal Update 249). The judges ordered a joint
trial for Milosevic on all three indictments. 

It remains to be seen whether the prosecution will succeed once more in
the battle for a fair trial. 

Mirko Klarin is IWPR senior editor at the war crimes tribunal and
editor-in-chief of SENSE News Agency.

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