
Hi Pakistan
March 18, 2003

NATO ready if needed to lead Afghan force: Jones --   
BERLIN: NATO military commander General James L. Jones
said Monday that, if called upon, the alliance was
ready to play a role in leading the International
Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF). 

Speaking after talks with German Defence Minister
Peter Struck, Jones said that if the Alliance was
needed in a leadership role within ISAF then "I am
quite sure that NATO assets could be used, and could
be used effectively." 

Germany and The Netherlands took over joint control of
ISAF from Turkey on February 10 and will lead it for
six months, but Berlin has been urging NATO to take
over the leadership role at the end of the current
mandate in August. 

The 4,800-strong force has patrolled Kabul and its
environs since its creation under an Afghan
power-sharing agreement reached in the German city of
Bonn in 2001 following the fall of the Taliban

ISAF comprises some 5,000 troops from 30 countries,
including around 2,500 German military and 600 Dutch
soldiers, and provides assistance to Afghan
authorities in securing Kabul. 

Last month, Struck said that Germany could withdraw
its ISAF troops from Afghanistan if tensions escalated
too high amid any war on Iraq. 

He said a contingency plan had been prepared to
evacuate civilians, and in the longer-term, the German
military. After the United States, Germany has the
most soldiers of any country deployed abroad with
around 10,000 troops in peacekeeping missions and
anti-terrorism operations. 

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