December 10, 2009

Obama Doctrine: Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind
Rick Rozoff

President and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States 
Barack Obama delivered his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance address in Oslo on 
December 10, which has immediately led to media discussion of an Obama Doctrine.

With obligatory references to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi (the 
second referred to only by his surname) but to no other American presidents 
than Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy - fellow peace prize 
recipients Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter weren't 
mentioned - the U.S. head of state spoke with the self-assurance of the leader 
of the world's first uncontested superpower and at times with the 
self-righteousness of a would-be prophet and clairvoyant. And, in the words of 
German philosopher Friedrich von Schlegel, a prophet looking backward. 

Accompanied by visionary gaze and cadenced, oratorical solemnity, his comments 
included the assertion that "War, in one form or another, appeared with the 
first man." Unless this unsubstantiated claim was an allusion to the account in 
the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible of Cain murdering his brother Abel, 
which would hardly constitute war in any intelligible meaning of the word (nor 
was Cain the first man according to that source), it is unclear where Obama 
acquired the conviction that war is coeval with and presumably an integral part 
of humanity.

Paleontologists generally trace the arrival of modern man, homo sapiens, back 
200,000 years, yet the first authenticated written histories are barely 2,400 
years old. How Obama and his speechwriters filled in the 197,600-year gap to 
prove that the practice of war is as old as mankind and implicitly inseparable 
from the human condition is a question an enterprising reporter might venture 
to ask at the next presidential press conference.

Perhaps delusions of omniscience is the answer. The Oslo speech is replete with 
references to and appropriations of the attributes of divinity. And to 
historical and anthropological fatalism; a deeply pessimistic concept of 

Obama affirmed that "no Holy War can ever be a just war. For if you truly 
believe that you are carrying out divine will, then there is no need for 
restraint." Then shortly afterward stated "Let us reach for the world that 
ought to be - that spark of the divine that still stirs within each of our 
souls." An adversary's invocation of the divine is false, heretical, 
sacrilegious; Washington's is true, unerring, sufficient to justify any action, 
however violent and deadly. As unadulterated an illustration of secular 
Manicheaism as can be found in the modern world.

Toward the beginning of his speech the first standing American president in 
ninety years to receive the Peace Prize acknowledged that "perhaps the most 
profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the 
Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars."

Understandably he exerted no effort to justify one of the two wars in question, 
that in Iraq, but endorsed and pledged the continuation of the other, that in 
Afghanistan and increasingly Pakistan - while elsewhere speaking disparagingly 
of the European Crusades of the later Middle Ages. 

Neither the Nobel Committee nor its honoree seemed inordinately if at all 
concerned by the unprecedented awarding of the prestigious and generous ($1.4 
million) Peace Prize to a commander-in-chief in charge of two simultaneous wars 
far from his nation's shores and in countries whose governments and peoples 
never threatened it in any manner. 

In language that never before was heard during a peace prize acceptance speech, 
Obama added "we are at war, and I'm responsible for the deployment of thousands 
of young Americans to battle in a distant land. Some will kill, and some will 
be killed."

With not a scintilla of national self-awareness, balance or irony, he also 
derided the fact that "modern technology allows a few small men with outsized 
rage to murder innocents on a horrific scale," as he orders unmanned aerial 
vehicles (drones) linked by space satellites to launch deadly missile attacks 
in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The central themes of Obama's speech are reiterations of standing U.S. policy 
going back over a decade with the waging of war against Yugoslavia in early 
1999 without United Nations authorization or even a nominal attempt to obtain 
one; that the U.S. and its Western military allies can decide individually and 
collectively when, to what degree, where and for what purpose to use military 
force anywhere in the world. And the prerogative to employ military force 
outside national borders is reserved exclusively for the United States, its 
fellow NATO members and select military clients outside the Euro-Atlantic zone 
such as Colombia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Israel and Saudi Arabia of late.  

What is arguably unique in Obama's address is the bluntness with which it 
reaffirmed this doctrine of international lawlessness. Excerpts along this 
line, shorn of ingenuous qualifications and decorative camouflage, include:

"We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent 
conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations - acting 
individually or in concert - will find the use of force not only necessary but 
morally justified."

He offered a summary of the just war argument that a White House researcher 
could have cribbed from Wikipedia.

"[A]s a head of state sworn to protect and defend my nation, I cannot be guided 
by their [Gandhi's and King's] examples alone. I face the world as it is, and 
cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the American people. For make no 
mistake: Evil does exist in the world."

"I - like any head of state - reserve the right to act unilaterally if 
necessary to defend my nation."

Evil, as a noun rather than an adjective, is used twice in the speech, 
emblematic of a quasi-theological tone alternating with coldly and even 
callously pragmatic pronouncements.

Indicative of the second category are comments like these:

"[T]he instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace."

"A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies. Negotiations 
cannot convince al Qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force 
may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism....

"I raise this point, I begin with this point because in many countries there is 
a deep ambivalence about military action today, no matter what the cause. And 
at times, this is joined by a reflexive suspicion of America, the world's sole 
military superpower."

Comparing a small handful of al-Qaeda personnel to Hitler's Wehrmacht is 
unconscionable. Whatever else the former are, they barely have arms to lay 
down. But Obama does, the world's largest and most deadly conventional and 
nuclear arsenal.

His playing the trump card of Nazi Germany is not only an act of rhetorical 
recklessness, it is historically unjustified. There would have been no need to 
confront the Third Reich's legions if timely diplomatic actions had been taken 
when Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland in 1936; if Britain and France had 
not collaborated with Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy to enforce the 
naval blockade of Republican Spain while German aircraft devastated Guernica 
and other towns and German and Italian troops poured into the country by the 
tens of thousands in support of Generalissimo Franco's uprising. If, finally, 
Britain, France, Germany and Italy had not met in Munich in 1938 to sacrifice 
Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to Hitler to encourage his murderous drive to the 
east. The same four nations met 70 years later, last year, to reprise the 
Munich betrayal by engineering the secession of Kosovo from Serbia, to 
demonstrate how much had been learned in the
As to the accusation that many nations bear an alleged "deep ambivalence about 
military action" and even more so "a reflexive suspicion of America, the 
world's sole military superpower," it bespeaks alike arrogance, sanctimony, and 
an absolute imperviousness to the reality of American foreign policy now and in 
the recent and not so recent past. According to this imperial "sole military 
superpower" perspective, the White House and the Pentagon can never be wrong. 
Not even partially, unavoidably or unintentionally.

If others find fault with anything the world's only military juggernaut does, 
it is a reflection of their own misguided pacifism and ingrained, pathological 
"anti-Americanism." Perhaps this constitutes the aforementioned "threats to the 
American people," as there aren't any others in Afghanistan or in the world as 
a whole that were convincingly identified in the speech.

What may be the most noteworthy - and disturbing - line in the address is what 
Obama characterised as the "recognition of history; the imperfections of man 
and the limits of reason." Lest this observation be construed as an example of 
personal or national humility, other - grandiose Americocentric - comments 
surrounding it leave no doubt that the inadequacies in question are only 
applied to others.

One would search in vain for a comparable utterance by another American head of 
state. For a nation that prides itself on being the first one founded on the 
principles of the 18th century Enlightenment and the previous century's Age of 
Reason, that its leader would lay stress on inherent and ineradicable human 
frailty and at least by implication on some truth that is apart from and 
superior to reason is nothing less than alarming. The door is left open to 
irrationalism and its correlates, that the ultimate right can be might and that 
there are national imperatives beyond good and evil.

And if people are by nature flawed and their reasoning correspondingly 
impaired, then for humanity, "Born but to die and reasoning but to err" 
(Alexander Pope), war may indeed be its birthright and violent conflicts will 
not be eradicated in its lifetime. War, which came into existence with mankind, 
will last as long as it does. They may both end, as Obama believes they 
originated, simultaneously.

How the leader of the West, both the nation and the individual, has arrived at 
this bleak and deterministic impasse was also mentioned in Obama's speech in 
reference to pivotal post-Cold War events that have defined this new century.

It is only a single step from:

"I believe that force can be justified on humanitarian grounds, as it was in 
the Balkans, or in other places that have been scarred by war. Inaction tears 
at our conscience and can lead to more costly intervention later. That's why 
all responsible nations must embrace the role that militaries with a clear 
mandate can play to keep the peace."


"The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it. Peace 
requires responsibility. Peace entails sacrifice. That's why NATO continues to 
be indispensable."

In proclaiming these and similar sentiments, Obama made reference to his host 
country in alluding to the war in Afghanistan: "[W]e are joined by 42 other 
countries - including Norway - in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations 
from further attacks."

Again, threats are magnified to inflated and even universal dimensions. All 
nations on the planet are threatened and some of them - 43 NATO states and 
partners - are fending off the barbarians at the gates. It is difficult to 
distinguish the new Obama Doctrine from the preceding Blair and Bush ones 
except in regard to its intended scope.

It is a mission outside of time, space and constraints. "The United States of 
America has helped underwrite global security for more than six decades with 
the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms....America's commitment 
to global security will never waver. But in a world in which threats are more 
diffuse, and missions more complex, America cannot act alone. America alone 
cannot secure the peace. This is true in Afghanistan. This is true in failed 
states like Somalia....And sadly, it will continue to be true in unstable 
regions for years to come.

"The leaders and soldiers of NATO countries, and other friends and allies, 
demonstrate this truth through the capacity and courage they've shown in 

The U.S. president adduced other nations - by name - that present threats to 
America and its values, its allies and the world as a whole in addition to 
Afghanistan and Somalia, which are Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan and 
Zimbabwe. All five were either on George W. Bush's post-September 11 list of 
state sponsors of terrorism or on Condoleezza Rice's later roster of "outposts 
of tyranny" or both. 

Hopes that the policies of Obama's predecessor were somehow outside of the 
historical continuum, solely related to the aftermath of September 11, 2001, 
have been dashed. The rapidly escalating war in South Asia is proof enough of 
that lamentable fact. War is not a Biblical suspension of ethics but the 
foundation of national policy.   

In his novel La BĂȘte Humaine (The Human Beast) Emile Zola interwove images of a 
French crowd clamoring for a disastrous war with Prussia ("A Berlin!") and a 
locomotive heading at full steam down the track without an engineer. Obama's 
speech in Oslo indicates that America remains bent on rushing headlong to war 
even after a change of engineers. Veteran warhawks Robert Gates, James Jones, 
Richard Holbrooke, David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal have stoked the 
furnace for a long run. 

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