A couple of things come to mind.  One is that there was a period where
drivers could not use jumbo frames.  That was followed by a long
period where aoe drivers reported the maximum usable payload size in
`aoe-stat`, but they would never use more than 4096-byte payloads.
Starting with aoe6-49, the current period began, where the payload
reported by aoe-stat is able to be fully used.

So if you used to get good performance and now can't, it might just be
because you were only using jumbos up to a size that your network
equipment could handle well before upgrading to an aoe driver that
used even bigger jumbos.  You can test for that by using a 4200 MTU on
your initiator network interfaces.

Second, the latest drivers handle network congestion dynamically, in
response to actual network conditions, and it is normal for
retransmissions to occur as the "ideal" rate is momentarily exceeded
and then backed away from.  If you see short bursts of retransmits
every few seconds, it probably isn't anything to worry about.  A
steady, rapid stream of retransmits could indicate a problem, and
retransmits without related "unexpected responses" could also indicate
a problem, specifically network packet loss.


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