We had a weird problem like this with ns_shares.  There was a race in
the shared array variable evaluation code that occurred around 1 in
20K requests on a production server.

To track it down, I had to use 2 dedicated dual-cpu servers on a
100Mbit LAN, and used ab on one server to send simultaneous requests
to the other.  Since you have a specific URL that fails (I didn't),
you should be able to get the failure rate fast enough that you can
reproduce the problem quickly.  In our case, sending 10K requests per
second would cause the failure within a few seconds.

If the simulation runs w/o exhibiting this, then your problem might be
a context issue: the browser type/version, cookies that are sent with
the request, etc., though that seems unlikely since the context should
be exactly the same in both requests in your example below.

Good luck!

> Hello.
> My AOLserver is getting a lot (about 50) requests that it serves with
> Content-length of 0. Most of the times, people just do reload and it
> serves the exact page correctly. It happens very rarely (50 times for
> about 20 000 requests).
> I'm wondering how to find the bug, since I use much C code and even more
> Tcl code of my own. Also, I noticed that this happens only to dynamic
> pages - either ADP or registered using ns_register_proc.
> I doubt if anyone had similar problems, so I'm wondering on how to track
> down the problem with this bug.
> Here's a sample from nslog access file:
> XX.XX.XX.XX - - [06/Jul/2003:09:30:00 +0200] "GET /popup/14 HTTP/1.0"
> 200 0 "http://www.enposi.pl/produkty/Dyktafony"; "Mozilla/4.0
> (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
> XX.XX.XX.XX - - [06/Jul/2003:09:30:02 +0200] "GET /popup/14 HTTP/1.0"
> 200 2873 "http://www.enposi.pl/produkty/Dyktafony"; "Mozilla/4.0
> (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
> Linux 2.2.20, AOLserver 3.4.2, Tcl 8.3.4.
> --
> WK
> --
> AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/
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