Hi Jeremy,

you should find most of what you need at http://www.aolserver.com. Look
along the left edge for links to documentation etc. You'll specifically
want to look at ADPs (AOLserver Dynamic Pages), which you can find here:



On Monday, Sep 8, 2003, at 09:45 US/Eastern, Jeremy Schneider wrote:

I recently learned about this AOLserver listserv.

We have a website hosted by AOLserver (AOLserver/2.3.3).  Recently I
needed to ensure that web pages served from a particular directory had
an "Expires: " header that made the pages expire 5 minutes after being
served.  Our Internet Services person told me that I can put "<%
ns_setexpires 300 %>" at the top of the page to make that happen.
That is a handy thing to know.  (I don't know if they did any other
magic to make it so that that directive would work.)

I have no experience creating pages specifically for AOLserver -- I am
a real newbie with AOLserver.  I tried to find a place in the
documentation that described that capability ("<% ns_setexpires 300
%>" ), and found some pages that had the string ns_setexpires in it,
but nothing that clearly described how to insert a command like that
with the "<%", "300", and "%>" into a web page to achieve my desired
results.  Could someone please put me on the path in the documentation
that describes this?

Thanks very much,

Jeremy Schneider

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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