Procedures that I place in the ../aolserver/modules/tcl library are not
working. I restart the server after adding the file. The error message in
the log is that it is an invalid command name.

Here is the procedure (test.tcl):

proc test {} {
    return "okay"

When I try to locate the file, it does not show up. When I run updatedb and
then run locate, the file shows up, but it still does not run (even after I
restart the server again).

I have built a new server - aolserver 3.5.0.

Here is the tcl portion of my nsd.tcl file:

# Tcl interpreter
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/tcl"
ns_param    autoclose     true
ns_param    debug         false
ns_param    nsvbuckets    8
ns_param    statlevel     0
ns_param    statmaxbuf    100
ns_param    library       ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/tcl
ns_param    sharedlibrary ${homedir}/modules/tcl

Now. I am also running another server on the machine (aolserver 3.4.2). I
put the same proc in the shared tcl libary and it works fine.

I think I am missing something obvious here.

Any insight will be appreciated.

Thorpe Mayes

AOLserver -

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