That's not something the pipe ever sees - you can't fix it on your end.
It's something I have to adjust in Transfuse. and
L629 expands inline tags to encompass surrounding plain text, because it is
unfortunately common for formatting to be partially on a word while you
really want the whole word translated as a unit.

However, for HTML I should add spaces around <sub> and <sup> so that they
can't gobble up their surroundings. Tracked as

-- Tino Didriksen

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 12:58, Hèctor Alòs i Font <>

> I'm taking a look on how this list of names on Wikipedia:
> and how it is translated in beta.apertium:
> There still are quite a few problems with HTML-tags if we look that the
> whole Iér is becoming a superscript, and also with italics. The space after
> the hyphen is an already known problem.
> By the way, I wonder whether it is possible to match in our dictionaries
> I<sup>ér</sup>. I have Iér in the dictionary, but when the ending ér stays
> as a superscript, as usually done in the texts, it is not matched. Should I
> add I<b/>ér to the dictionary?
> Hèctor
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