On Thu, 2 Sept 2021 at 09:53, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <unham...@fsfe.org>

> However – there are people who want to use debug modes but would rather
> not want to compile a pair and manually
> `git pull && make && make test || revert-to-last-working-revision`.
> Would it make sense to install debug-modes to a debug-modes folder? Put
> stuff like -biltrans etc. in /usr/share/apertium/debug-modes, and then
> `apertium -l` only shows translation /modes while `apertium -L` shows
> both /modes and /debug-modes? (And `apertium kaz-rus-biltrans` works
> without any special switches because why not, while `apertium
> nonexistent` runs `apertium -l` and gives a hint to use `-L` to show the
> rest.)

That's a good idea, but some debug modes require files that are not
normally installed. We shouldn't clutter end-user installs with these files.

But we could install everything to 2 packages: A main package
apertium-zzz-xxx for end-users and another apertium-zzz-xxx-corpus (or
whatever bikeshed -name we come up with) with the extras. That would also
lead nicely into the spellers going into a separate package, as people who
just want spellers probably don't care about anything else.

-- Tino Didriksen
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