Dear Apertiumers:

I have the spa-arg, arg-cat pairs almost ready for a new release (See * below the signature if you want more context on the new versions).

I had been working on spa-arg with a previous version of the development tools (the one installed by default in Apertium Virtual Box But in order to work with the arg-cat pair, I have needed to update apertium-all-dev to the last version in

Without changing anything more, I have observed two changes in the behaviour of the spa-arg pair after updating to the last version:

1) The verbs with enclitic pronoun se (as in: irse in Spanish, ir-se in Aragonese) are not well generated. 2) In spa->arg, when I have the article in capital initial "El" and the next word also begins by capital, like "El Papa", the result is "LO Papa" when it should be "Lo Papa".  This might be related to the postgenerator, which replaces ~O by LO (but it should be "Lo").

Using a sentence to illustrate both phenomena, I get:

echo "El Papa desea jubilarse" | apertium -d ./ spa-arg
LO Papa deseya #chubilar

~/dev/apertium-spa-arg/$ echo "Lo Papa deseya chubilar-se" | apertium -d ./ arg-spa
El Papá desea #jubilar

This did not happen with the old version I had installed before. Do you have a clue what may be happening and how to solve it?

Juan Pablo

*In early April, the Academia Aragonesa de la Lengua, the official standardization/normativisation body for Aragonese language (created in 2021 by the Government of Aragon, and to which I belong myself), approved and published the official spelling rules for Aragonese:

This is good news for Aragonese, as it puts an end to the situation of different concurrent unofficial spelling norms. This required, of course, an adaptation of the Aragonese translation pairs, so that they will generate Aragonese according to the official spelling. I have kept, though, compatibility with the previous reference spelling used by Apertium.  So spa-arg and arg-cat are almost ready to release (also including some changes performed in the last couple of years).

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