Muitas gracias, Hèctor!

Not so many changes in lemmae, although with some visual impact as some changes affect morphological sufixes (on the other hand, most of the "new" spellings were already present in other spelling proposals, and were analyzed by the previous version of Apertium, so it has been more a matter of selecting the forms to generate).

Main changes affect etymological "qu/qü" which is now "cu" when the "u" is pronounced: quán -> cuán, freqüent -> frecuent, and some "common spellings" that were valid for different dialectal support (like plurals in -z:  mocetz now is mocez (mocets in benasqués); or verbal desinences (fetz is now fez (or fets in benasqués), or ell(s), bell(s), aquell(s), which are now él(s), bel(s), aquel(s), excepting areas with palatalization). Other changes affect slightly accentuation of vowels, and allow "doublets" for some spellings (but in those cases, Apertium continues to generate the same forms as before, as they is also considered the preferred ones in the new norm).


Juan Pablo

El 05/05/2023 a las 11:25, Hèctor Alòs i Font escribió:
Felicidaz y gracias, Juan Pablo. Out of curiosity, have there been many changes between the previous version and the new one?

Missatge de Juan Pablo <> del dia dv., 5 de maig 2023 a les 2:24:

    Dear all,

    The pairs Spanish-Aragonese and Aragonese-Catalan are ready to
    (can anyone tag them?)

    apertium-spa-arg 0.6.0 (commit 61048e9) depends on apertium-spa
    d2455cf, needs new tag)  and apertium-arg 0.2.0 (commit 0b9f06e).

    apertium-arg-cat 0.3.0 (commit 5255af5) depends on apertium-arg 0.2.0
    (commit 0b9f06e) and apertium-cat (commit 201dcec, needs new tag).

    Although they include some new entries and paradigms (especially
    in the
    monolingual apertium-arg), the mean reason for the release is that
    pairs have been adapted to generate Aragonese according to the new
    official spelling system approved by the Academia Aragonesa de la
    (while still analyzing text with the previous spelling system).


    Juan Pablo

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