
I have implemented a couple of controls myself. Perhaps the best approach is to do it right in the Apache Directory API source code. And contribute it back, of course :-) Start from any existing control. E.g. you can have a look at my AD DirSync control (org.apache.directory.api.ldap.extras.controls.ad.AdDirSync). It is enough to have some basic idea how LDAP protocol works and how the API works. Most of the work is mostly copy&paste. There are 3-4 classes to create. It is not difficult to figure out.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 09/03/2017 08:57 PM, Chris Pike wrote:
Trying to get Active Directory to honor password history when changing a 


----- Original Message -----
From: Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@apache.org>
To: api@directory.apache.org
Sent: Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:38:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Ldap API Custom Controls

It's a bit tricky...

What control do you want to implement? Do you have a description ?

Le dim. 3 sept. 2017 à 15:58, Chris Pike <clp...@psu.edu> a écrit :


I am trying to add a custom control. I started by creating a class that
implements "org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.message.Control" and
passing an instance into my request. This didn't seem to work, I'm guessing
because the value for the control is not passed.

When looking at some of the other controls, I found a bunch of Decorator
and Factory classes in another package. Do I need to implement those types
of classes as well? If so, how do I register them? Is there a full example
of creating a custom control somewhere?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

~Chris Pike

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