> On Jan 16, 2019, at 3:54 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Server, when started, will try to load the Keystore content:
> o If there is no provided KeyStore file, the server will use create its own 
> Keystore, based on the default SUN provider.
> o Otherwise, the server will try to load the provided KeyStore, using the 
> paswword that has to be provided too. There are two parameters used to 
> configure the server : ads-keystoreFile that will contain tha path to the 
> KeyStore and ads-certificatePassword (which should most certainly be renamed 
> ads_keyStorePassword)

Hi Emmanuel, 

Thinking out loud here so forgive the naive comment, but shouldn’t the server 
use the a. default Java keystore (if found), or b. what’s passed to it, and 
only if not (a or b) c. create a new?


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