Hi !

On 13/01/2021 11:09, Hrushikesh Agrawal wrote:
Hello Experts,

We are using the Apache LDAP API 1.0.3 with our product to communicate with
different LDAP servers. We are upgrading the LDAP API jars from 1.0.3 to
We found that few classes like AdDirSyncImpl and AdDirSyncDecorator are
missing in the latest JAR 2.0.1. These classes must be moved with different
names or the purpose of these classes must be incorporated in another class.
We are using these classes to find th cookies like below  -

*if(cursor.isDone()){ SearchResultDone searchResultDone =
cursor.getSearchResultDone(); Control control =
searchResultDone.getControl(AdDirSyncImpl.OID);          if (control
instanceof AdDirSyncDecorator){                AdDirSyncDecorator
adDirSyncDecorator = (AdDirSyncDecorator)control;                cookie =
adDirSyncDecorator.getCookie();           } }*

Could you please help us on this to figure out the exact classes or way to
implement this at our end.

We have rewritten those classes, you now have to use the following classes and interfaces :

AdDirSyncRequestImpl and AdDirSyncRequest

AdDirSyncResponseImpl and AdDirSyncResponse

They are in the org.apache.directory.api.ldap.extras.controls.ad package.

Getting the OID is just a matter of calling AdDirSyncRequest.OID,

The request control can be created with new AdDirSyncRequestImpl(), then you have methods to set the cookie, and other parameters (see https://nightlies.apache.org/directory/api/2.0.1/apidocs/org/apache/directory/api/ldap/extras/controls/ad/AdDirSyncRequestImpl.html)

The response control can be get from the response and casted to a AdDirSyncResponse, then you can fetch the content with specific method like getCookie() (see https://nightlies.apache.org/directory/api/2.0.1/apidocs/)

Hope it helps.

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