Hi all,
I know that this is more a LO question rather than AOO (and I posted it on
LO forums and mailing lists), but since the starting point is the Analog
Clock sample extension attached to the guide for sidebar developers (
https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Sidebar_for_Developers), it could be of
interest for AOO developers as well.
Since I'm deeply interested in sidebar extensions, I studied the very well
written "Sidebar for Developers" article mentioned above and I was able to
customize the Analog Clock extension available on the page.
All was fine in AOO 4.1.1, but when I installed the OXT on LO 4.4 the
sidebar panel was no more visible (while the installation itself ran
without problems).
I then installed on LO the original Analog Clock extension, but the result
was the same: the interface is no more visible.
Steps to reproduce the problem:

 - download the Analog Clock Extension (direct link:
http://people.apache.org/~af/clock/AnalogClock.oxt ; source code:
http://people.apache.org/~af/clock/AnalogClock.zip )

 - in the package, change the dependencies tag in description.xml file to
install the extension on LibreOffice 4.4:

original dependencies tag content:

<OpenOffice.org-minimal-version value="4.0" d:name="Apache OpenOffice"/>

new dependencies tag content:

<OpenOffice.org-maximal-version value="4.x" dep:name="OpenOffice.org 4.x"

 - install the extension on LibreOffice (enable Java Runtime Environment if

 - after restarting LibreOffice, you will see the icon of the new sidebar
panel just below the others, but no interface is shown when clicking on it
(i.e. the analog clock and also its container panel are not visible)

I gave a look to the source code but with no luck: can someone give me a
hint about the possible cause of the problem?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Fabrizio Marchesano

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