Got it, things are good in New Zealand!
Dave Gleason

On February 19, 2018, at 3:47 AM, Jon Clements <> wrote:

Apple-crop has been kind of quiet, I have three things on my mind:

1.) testing apple-crop to make sure it's still working

2.) if interested, follow International Fruit Tree Association while in New 
Zealand on Twitter using the hashtag #iftaNZ, or by visiting it's Facebook 

3.) check out the newly revised MyIPM app or both iOS and Android, search for 
MyIPM in their respective app stores; the app is designed to help with 
fungicide and insecticide resistance management, however, it has lots of other 
useful information to make spray decisions, all at your (smartphone) finger 
tips -- feedback on using it can be directed at me...

Spring is coming...



JMCEXTMAN (aka Jon Clements)
413.478.7219 Verizon

413.378.3068 Project Fi

UMass Cold Spring Orchard

393 Sabin Street

Belchertown, MA  01007

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