Hello all,

We have been fortunate enough that Smartfresh has been approved for use
in Ireland. I am happy to say that we had a store treated on Monday, and
look forward to testing these apples against controls in a few months

We have treated Jonagored (a Jonagold clone), a couple of Red Elstar
clones and also Autento, Wellant & Karmijn de Sonnaville (trial

The Elstar clones were fairly ripe; certainly eating well when treated,
while the Jonagoreds were picked for medium-term storage. I can't wait
to see how things turn out, and was like a child with a new toy when the
agent came to treat the store.

We are still harvesting apples here, and the weather has been great; dry
and mild, so progress has been good. We expect to pick Jonagored for the
next week or so, and also Karmijn de Sonnaville, and after that the
Golden Delicious.

The harvest timing has been most interesting, as the early varieties
were two weeks ahead of normal, as indicated by the comments of
Jean-Marc, who posted on this topic earlier. However, the later
varieties are not ahead of normal, which raises questions about just
whether it really is possible to predict optimum harvest dates from
quite early in the year. Six weeks ago when we were picking the earlies,
we thought that the maincrop apples would be well ready for harvest by
now. Now they are not. How about that for inaccuracy?

Con Traas

The Apple Farm




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