I used the wire spreaders you describe many years ago purchased from
Northwest Wholesale in Wenatchee, Washington. 
The spreaders were made and patented by a man in Wenatchee. They worked
great but the biggest complaint was occasionally they would get "lost"
in a tree only to be found by a pair of unsuspecting loppers years
later. This usually resulted in damage to the lopper.

Bill Fleming
Montana State University
Western Ag Research Center
Corvallis, Montana


-----Original Message-----
From: apple-crop@virtualorchard.net
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Black Diamond Farm
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 7:14 AM
To: apple-crop@virtualorchard.net
Subject: Apple-Crop: Wire limb spreaders

> About 10 years ago we bought a bunch of wire limb spreaders in 2 
> sizes.  For a certain stage of growth (between clothespins and notched

> angle spreaders) they are the only type of spreader that I've found 
> that works for  limbs that are still flexible.
> Since we can't post photos to the list-serve, let me attempt to 
> describe them:
Each spreader consists of a firm wire that you hook around the main
trunk of the tree.
The other part of the wire extends out (they come in a couple of
lengths) a ways along the limb.
There's a gentle hook that you place on the limb to hold it down, maybe
12 or 15 inches out.

> We recently put in a new block of trees and next spring will need more

> of these spreaders.
> Does anyone know of a supplier who still sells these?
> Thanks,
> Jackie Merwin
> Black Diamond Farm
> Trumansburg, NY
> www.incredapple.com


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The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard
<http://www.virtualorchard.net> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for
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