Dear Apple Croppers:

I will be in the Wenatchee area all day on April 23rd and would like to know if 
any of you close by will be willing to spend a couple of hours of your time 
showing me around your farm.  For your information, I am a graduate of 
Washington State University. I got my MS degree back when the Pullman City 
Council refused to allow McDonald to open a store (yes, in the 70's).   I have 
been in Wenatchee a couple of times since, but I am sure it has changed. I hope 
I get a chance to hear from one or two of you about the changes in the fruit 
industry over the last few years.. Please write directly to my e.mail account 
at University of Illinois as listed below.

Sincerely, Mosbah

Mosbah M. Kushad, Professor
Horticulturist and Postharvest Physiologist
1109 Plant Sciences Laboratory
1201 South Dorner Drive
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone (217)244-5691

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