Mostly heavy, snowball bloom here in Massachusetts after modest crop last
year. Not sure I have ever seen such a heavy bloom across the board. Temps.
in mid to upper 80's preceding and during bloom really moved things along,
bee activity was modest to good. There was so much bloom all at once bee
activity might have been diluted? Very dry -- does that affect the
attractiveness of bloom to bees? Less nectar production? Cold front moved
through and now windy and much cooler, scattered frost possible in cold
pockets. We're expecting good set and the need to thin aggressively. Heat
raised the fire blight danger level, however, little wetting during bloom
except for some showers here and there and dew. Will see how that plays
out, lots of strep applied after last year. Only one apple scab infection
period since April 21 (green tip), clean orchards could have delayed any
fungicide application since then until the next rain, but that one will be
a doozy probably. Somebody send us a little rain. Every year is so


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Arthur Kelly <>

> I don't know about the rest of you but if we get any kind of pollination
> weather the crop will be very heavy and difficult to thin.  The potential
> bloom at this point is scary.  We are at pink except for cracking some king
> flowers on Zestar, Paulared, Gingergold etc.
> --
> Art Kelly
> Kelly Orchards
> Acton, ME
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Jon Clements
aka 'Mr Honeycrisp'
UMass Cold Spring Orchard
393 Sabin St.
Belchertown, MA  01007
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