Am 10.03.2013 17:04, schrieb Evangelos Foutras:
> This is just a quick note. In order to avoid having to sync the
> Subversion repos from nymeria to gerolde just to facilitate the
> generation of Git repos by the arch-svntogit script [1], I have
> relocated the script to nymeria.
> The Git repos [2] themselves had to be regenerated from scratch (from
> the Subsversion repos), and as such, any existing cloned repos won't be
> able to cleanly pull from them. In this case, it's recommended to delete
> and re-clone the repo.
> (tl;dr: If you have any clones of the svntogit repos, you'll need to
> recreate them.)
> [1]
> [2]

The packages repo seems to be corrupted:

% git clone git://
Klone nach 'packages'...
remote: error: Could not read 4fee98a0562f9adbab2c1135fb57954a7b95f809
remote: fatal: bad tree object 4fee98a0562f9adbab2c1135fb57954a7b95f809
remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote
fatal: zu frühes Dateiende
fatal: index-pack failed

Pierre Schmitz,

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