On 22/04/15 01:30, Evangelos Foutras wrote:
> On 22/04/15 01:05, Jan Alexander Steffens wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Evangelos Foutras
>> <evange...@foutrelis.com> wrote:
>>> On 22/04/15 00:49, Allan McRae wrote:
>>>> I think the symlink is very important.  And I am very against VIsudo
>>>> calling anything other than vi by default.  Unless you rename it nanosudo.
>>> The problem is that vim is not provided in [core] and cannot be part of
>>> a base installation. We can't make an editor from [extra] the default.
>>> I'm open to suggestions, but consider that nano is the only remaining
>>> editor in [core]. (And it will work fine as a fallback editor.)
>> If that's your condition I'm for bringing vim-minimal into [core].
>> Leave the other vim variants in [extra].
> While this solution is acceptable, I believe it's a bit of an overkill.
> But if Anatol is fine with maintaining vim-{minimal,runtime} in [core],
> then let's go with vim. (And also include vi symlinks I guess!)

By the way, it's worth noting that vim-minimal has a footprint of about
30 MiB. It's not much, but compared to nano's 2 MiB, it's way larger.

I'm probably repeating what I've written in my previous posts, but to me
the cleanest implementation is to have one tiny editor in [core] as part
of the base installation (nano), and use that as the fallack for the
five or so programs that used to default to vi.

Adding a second, much larger, editor in [core] and base (vim) just so
that it can be made the default fallback, seems kind of unnecessary.

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