On 2/16/20 8:11 PM, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
> [2020-02-16 20:03:16 -0500] Eli Schwartz via arch-dev-public:
>> It's pretty plausible that this commit is simply incompatible with the
>> previous version of sshd, therefore it could not reexec:
>> https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/commit/c2bd7f74b0e0f3a3ee9d19ac549e6ba89013abaf
>> So this is "expected" behavior.
> That seems likely indeed. What troubles me is that upstream has never
> broken live SSH daemons in such a way before, maybe it was just pure
> luck, but I had assumed this was a conscious design choice on their
> part.

It could be this one was too difficult to handle since it changed the
way marshaling the sshd_config worked? I suppose you'd need to
double-check with them. In the meantime, it is definitely not just us:


Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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