On 3/15/20 4:40 PM, Morten Linderud via arch-dev-public wrote:
> I'm aware that go {list,build,test} fetches dependencies on the fly. 
> And let me reiterate again; *This shouldn't happen*.
> We should be capable of performing complete software builds without internet
> connection. If we can't have the sources downloaded in the source array, they
> need to be fetched in prepare.
> This is why I'm also bringing up the prepare function in the first place.

But once you're in prepare(), you're no longer in $SRCDEST and you've
already failed, no caching is taking place.

You're also already inside the chroot, which means you cannot disable
the internet connection for the chroot (not that we have been able to do
so in the past, but fetching sources in prepare() certainly doesn't get
us closer to offline builds.)

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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