On 8/29/20 7:02 PM, Frederik Schwan via arch-dev-public wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'd like to migrate the beloved Flyspray bug tracker to our new Gitlab 
> instance.

This decision did not take place with input from the people affected by
such a move, who may or may not want to use Gitlab. Can you clarify for
the rest of us, which parties actually *did* have input, and *where*
this took place? Announcing it as a foregone conclusion seems premature.

We also don't know how it's supposed to work given gitlab is a git
forge, and most things aren't actually git repos as of now. Some things
never will be because they aren't even code.

Furthermore it's straight-up a non-starter until such time as users
interested in reporting bugs can open up accounts with which to open
bugs. Currently https://gitlab.archlinux.org is closed to registration
and relies on SSO accounts exclusive to internal team members...

> - Bug wrangling day on the 13th of September; see 1)
> - Flyspray will be read-only after we rewrite the Archweb URLs
> - new bug tracker -> Gitlab
> 1) I'd like to hold a bug wrangling day, where our goal is to close as many 
> bugs as possible.
>    Any TU, Reporter and bug wrangler is invited to help out :) Unfortunately 
> I can't offer any cookies that day :/
>    Rules:
>      a) Bug with no reply for at least 6 months which has been submitted for 
> a different version than the current one in 
>         the repos shall be closed with a message that a reopen request may be 
> filled if this issue is still present.

Bug wrangling is always a good thing, we don't need to limit it to
September 13, but the usual approach we take is to investigate old bugs
and close them with "I cannot reproduce the bug, it seems to be fixed",
rather than closing them with "we do not care about bugs that weren't
fixed in six months".

We *have* had other bug days, you know. They weren't "lets close as many
bugs as possible", they were "let's dig into old bugs and figure out
what to do about them, triage them if possible, hunt down resolutions,
or verify if they've been fixed".

I am vehemently opposed to the concept of "stale bots", which are very
popular on github and gitlab but which are merely the sign of a
developer team that cares more about looking like there aren't so many
bugs than actually fixing them.

>      b) Any infrastructure ticket shall not be touched. This will be handled 
> by $DevOps.

Also tickets opened against things other than packages, for instance the
*entire* Pacman and Aurweb projects.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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