
This is way cool! A very slick way of helping the transition.
I'm looking forward to some free time to dive into it.

- Joakim

nicolas de loof wrote:
Hi Rahul,

Thanks for yout interest for this plexus-to-spring migration helper.
The code is still early experimental and requires some more testing : it
only has been tested on 2 archiva testcases and requires many fixes and
testcases to get stable.

Please give me one week to test it more, add debugging logs and better error
handling / reporting : The current code is not really easy to debug when
some unexpected IoC occur... I also may improve support for plexus lifecycle
and specificities, as long as I discover requirements from archiva codebase.

It is allready isolated from archiva for reuse, and can move to plexus when
ready (I've no access to plexus svn).

I promise to inform you about progress ;-)


2008/2/25, Rahul Thakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Nicolas,

Sorry, I have looked at the recent updates to the code, hence my
question. Is this 'ready' enough to be used outside Archiva? I'd like to
integrate this into Continuum.

I think it might make sense to have this module in Plexus SVN repo - wdyt?

Good stuff!


nicolas de loof wrote:

I've repackaged and improved the spring support for plexus components in
dedicated poject
This new module provides runtime translation from plexus component
descriptors to a Spring XML context, using a simple XSL file and a
ApplicationContext. Any existing plexus jars can then be used in a

It defines a custom <plexus:> spring-namespace. Under the hood a custom
FactoryBean handles plexus components field-injection and (some)
interfaces. As I discover plexus features by testing on archiva, I'd be
pleased to get more infos on plexus IoC specificities.

It also provides a PlexusInSpringTestCase that is a replacement class
PlexusTestCase, providing equivalent methods and behavior.

I've applied this (in springy branch) on archiva-policies and
(with some test failures in latest I have to investigate)

On this basis and with the required improvements, I thing this is a nice
to move archiva (or other plexus-based app) to spring and then gradually
refactor plexus components, either using Spring annotation or XML
files (my +1 for context files).


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